Possibility Domains [Parallel Universe]

Possibility Domains [Akashik Records and Parallel Universes]:

In this topic we will talk about the events, possibilities of each event, and its resultant. The event is the action taken by a person or some happenings in a particular space and time in our physical world.

Most of us know that each point in our 3 dimensional universe having co-ordinates which exactly denotes its position. We are using this co-ordinate system respective to our earth. If a person changes its position the co-ordinates changes. That way the track of exact location can be found. Now add time to co-ordinates. This will measure and track at which particular time one particular thing was at which point..right ?

Now think of what action you are going to do after 5 minutes? You have many choices. I will call you Mr. X. Now Mr. X having lot of choices for each point of time. He can do the action A, Action B or Action C or may be some other. So each point of time every body having multiple choices and multiple actions.

Now think that Mr. X has chosen the choice A. Similarly Mr. Y has made choice B, Mr. Z has made choice C. These choices is their actions. They are [Mr. X, Y and Z] are working on same project and doing their different work to accomplish a project. If the choices they have taken are perfectly Ok then their resultant will be fulfillment of their project in simple words they will achieve their desired results.

But what if Mr. X has choose the choice B, Mr. Y went with choice G and so on. So their resultant will be 0 means they will fail in project.

In one other situation they achieved some other result. Mid of success and in another situation the they achieved complete failure.

So in conclusion multiple choices and multiple results. We call them possibility A, possibility B and possibility C. Now think that in one term Mr. X made choice A,
in another term choice B and so on. How it is possible to get choice A in one term, choice B in another and so on. Well good question. If we got the chance to play the role of Mr. X in one life form and we made a wrong choice and we want to come back and wants to correct the choice in another term then its possible right? Let me explain some more things. First think that we are playing a big game and we failed at one stage so we want to play that stage again. Similarly think that our universe is a big game and we are playing this game. We have passed some levels and wants to win one new level. We tried so many times and we are losing again and again. He losing means forced to play the same level until the situation is crossed. Now if we have to play the same level again and again then we will have to face the same situation again and able to make the choice at particular point right?

Now I am telling you that the universe is really a big game and we are playing it then what you think and say. Now everything is clear to you. You get in, started the game and at some point you lost so started from that point again. But in this game the starting the point is reborn on same level. Good. Now the condition is Mr X has made choice A in first try or first birth, Mr. X has made choice B in second birth and so on. So he is playing the same level again and again. The time and space is same which is very crucial point to consider. So how the universe keep the track who is doing what ? How the things separate on different choices ? The answer is possibility domains or parallel universe. The possibility domains are several resultant possibilities of multiple choices and multiple events by players in our universe.

To understand this face take the example of earth. There are million of inhabitants of earth. They are doing multiple things, work and making multiple choices. These are creating resultant events of earth which is affecting the earth. Now think of it as resultant 1 or possibility domain for earth No 1. Similarly any one of inhabitant make different choice which is generating another resultant event for our earth then it will be possibility domain for earth no 2. These multiple events will be generated if the person will born again on earth and make the different choice.

So there are several possibilities for earth and we call is possibility domain.

All these events, possibilities are recorded on a dimension called as Akashic Records in our universe to keep track of all happenings in universe.

Possibility domain also explains the feeling of this event has happened before or I have seen this anywhere feeling for each person. We all sometimes feel that the particular event has happened earlier. We feel it because in another possibility domain we born and faced the same situation.

Whenever the resultant of multiple events changes the future of earth the new possibility event pop, and When the result of two or more possibility domain having same result then both the possibility domain will collide and becomes one.

Now I think you got some idea. If we expand the example 1, think that if Mr. X is making a choice then the result of earth is changing, which generates a possibility domain. So the situation is like:

Mr. X -- Choice A -- PD 1
Mr. Y -- Choice G --PD 5 and so on.

we can move further and think about the universe. If one future possibility domain making changes in the possibility or future of universe it will be possibility domain for universe. Similarly if possibility domain of some other planet making changes in future of universe then it will be another PD for universe.

So we can call multiple possible universes as parallel universe. These are same universes, they differ only in possibilities.

The complete track of changes is recorded on one astral plane of universe. These records are also called as Akashik Records. Every event of earth is recorded in solar system's astral plane. Similarly every event of universe is recorded on universal astral plane. The term for local records [Local record contains complete solar system's records] and global will contained universal records.
