
Methods of Meditation:

Simplest Form of Meditation: I am explaining the simplest form of meditation. It will help to reduce the mental tesnsion and stress. This style of meditation will also introduce your conscious mind to subconscious mind. You will feel high degree of relaxation. The time duration is about 15 minutes. The method is as follows:
1. Sit down in confortable position. Padmasan is recommended but you may sit on chair.
2. Once you are in confortable position, close your eyes.
3. Think about your feet think that feets are relaxing, now come to more upper side..
4. Try to think that legs are relexed..then knees then solwly bring your awarness towards middle parts of body. They are now relaxing...
5. Similarly come to chest, neck and then finally come to third eye area. The third eye area is between the two eyes, and above the nose.
6. See there is bright light coming ....
7. Feel this bright light entering in your mind.
8. Gradually feel that bright white light filling your body..
9. feel that you are body less and floating in bright white light.
10. Dont thing anything just think of white devine light in which your are bathing in this light and its clearing your all problems.
11. Try to be there for some time.
12. Then think that you are moving away from light...
13. Come to third eye..bring your attention to third eye.
14. Now return back to your body.
15. Feel all parts of body
16. Now feel the difference, think that you are now completely relexed.

Repeat this exercise for few months daily for 15 minutes.