Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Universe from outside!

This figure represents our Universe Logically. Here we got one Controller, one physical universe and another one is Anti Universe. Our Universe and Anti Universe both are completely reverse of each other. The Rules of our Universe and Anti Universe are different specially if we look at them from inside. If we look at the rules from outside, rules will be same. That's the fun, that's the complexity of Creation. The Controller is real natural state of being. Its managing both the controversies, both the Universes.

We live in one universe, affected by other one. Other universe is affected by us. Both are co-related.

The controller maintains the existence of both the Universes.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Aliens and UFO


Aliens and UFOs sounds like very interesting topic. They have everything adventure, hidden truth, unknown mysterious never seen living organism which can be of any shape or form. Once we think of them our imagination rises. Some of us may have seen some kind of alien or UFO. The people who have seen them are less in numbers. Approximately 1% of people has seen or feels some kind of alien form. My figure includes "ghosts". Once I include ghosts with aliens then the figure of 1% looks acceptable. I am mixing ghosts with aliens for some reason.

Hope you have read my article about universe and its design. In that article I have mentioned that universe having seven upper dimensions. Each dimension vibrates at different frequencies [Ref. String theory and Astral Planes theories], so they share same space and time. Our science has also accepted the existence of higher dimensions. If we think of our body it’s also having seven types of bodies or 7 chakras.

Currently we are living in physical dimension which is lowest one of positive dimensions. Our body is actually tuned for our world. Our internal chakras remains generally closed. Most people having lowered 2-3 chakras functioning properly. One charka which is between both of our eyes is known as third eye. Some people have third eye chakra partially or fully open. Those types of people can actually see or feel ghosts, imaginary objects, aliens and UFO.

There are all types of people in this world. Approximately 25% strongly disagree with alien and ghost theory or at least they don’t think of them and disliked that topic. They sometimes talk about them but for fun only. Have you noticed the difference in these people with others?

Any way just tries to find it out and mail me or comment here.

We will now come back to aliens and ghosts. Ghosts are invisible to us because they live in higher dimensions correct? After all we are living in physical world and we generally don’t see ghosts. If aliens are visiting to our world and they are invisible to us then they also live in higher dimension or they may have some technology by which they are hidden from us.

As per some scientists and people Aliens, UFO and ghosts are fake and don't exists, but what they will explain when somebody come to them and tell that I have seen some UFO/Alien or Ghost kind of thing. What is the explanation of these types of experiences? Every time they are going to say it was a weather balloon or bluff or fake photograph or optical illusion etc. They don’t accept. But when they are accepting the existence of higher dimensions how they can deny the existence of inhabitants of higher dimensions? The higher dimension exists without any inhabitant? Science is accepting the higher dimensions and on the contrary they are still searching for alien life.

How it is possible that earth is the single planet in entire universe where life exists. It’s not possible. Any one can reply quickly it’s impossible that only earth is blessed with life.

Now you are somewhat agree with me. As per you and most of the people there is something out there which still requires further study. It can be Ghost or Alien. When we talk about aliens or ghosts we talk about life in any form which is from other planets or other dimensions.

What is life is my question for everyone. I will be glad to know the answer.

For getting the answer just check what string theory says that. It says that the smallest particle is string which vibrates at different vibrations. The occult theory also says that. Different vibration level for different dimension and every this is based on vibrations. Nothing is solid, it appears solid. So basic composition of everything is vibrations of small particles or strings at different frequencies, and it’s not solid. Basic composition is energy particles vibrating at different frequencies and constituting everything, everywhere in every dimension.

Now we know that the basic component is same for our universe and dimensions. Every thing is vibration and basically energy. Once all are composed of single thing what thought come to your mind? Its simple.. all are one and came from single source. Tell me … what makes you me and surrounding….!

The answer is its we .. or the single one who is making us and all the things, universe etc. How we are making our selves… hmmm….ok by our thoughts only. What it means?

I conclude here is we are made from though of single entity. We live in dreams or hologram. This hologram is created by single entity. We call him our God or creator. Conceptually we are correct. We always ask or think about God what ever type of person we are. If the God has created us why he will create us only? Why didn’t he created Aliens or some other life form.

Here my question for every person who is disagrees with me:

Why do you think that life exists on earth only? Tell me the reasons. Write me! I can bet you won’t find any solid answer.

If there is no solid reason they the Alien Life exists. Also because we are made from one so everything has life which exists. The life type and form can be of different type, its working of mind, life span may be different. The destiny and role of life forms can be different.

Here I have proved that universe is full of life and made from thoughts.

I am not going to end the discussion here. My objective was here to prove that life exists everywhere because everywhere same energy is available which is vibrating at different frequencies and that is generating the objects and life of many forms.

So you are agree that the Aliens and Ghosts exists? Will you now allow me to divide them in two categories?

Category 1: The Ghosts and Aliens which are real.
Category 2: The Ghosts and Aliens which are unreal.

Category 1
Here the real means which are not created by our own thoughts. These types exists everywhere the universe and dimensions. Numerous possibilities are there.

Category 2
These are the thoughts of people who are not completely connected with higher self. These are creations of our own.

We will first discuss about our own thought level. We here mean most of the persons. We create our own reality by our own thoughts. These thoughts sometimes create illusions for us or some one else. These thoughts become so stronger that the person starts to live in his own belief system. He thinks about some imaginary figure which can be anything like ghost, alien or some environment n which he is living. The strongest and best example is 2012 event. We are creating very drastic reality for everyone. More and more people will start to believe 2012 the more drastic results we will have in turn. We are destroying ourselves. We are creating imaginary events and making our thoughts and belief system so solid that the things are begun the happen. Mind works over matter. We are creating huge disturbance on astral plane for 2012. Similar way many aliens/ufo or ghost event are basically made from human thoughts! Some sees and feels them and many don’t. These types of aliens and UFO are thought pattern only.

For Category 1, these are real Alien/UFO/life form/Ghosts.
Real aliens, ghosts, other dimension beings are living beings of this universe. Universe is multidimensional and every dimension is filled with many living beings. Its nonsense to think that there are multiple dimensions but there is only one planet which has life. They can be in any form and can based on anything. For example our physical body is based on carbon. They can be based on silica or methane.
For real entities we can divide them in many sub categories:
1. Ghosts: Ghosts are basically related to our solar system. They are lower vibrated beings which has left their physical body but not able to leave the material world by their thoughts. Ghosts live in lover 4th dimension. They can see us but can’t participate in physical world. Many of us can feel or see them when the frequency match occurs.
There are some ghosts who are only shells; their actual soul has left these shells. These shells do some particular activity and live a area near their physical home. The home in which they lived for so many years and their physical body died.
2. Astral Travellers: Astral travellers are advance souls who are capable for changing their vibration rate and they move from one place to another. They can also travel in different dimensions.
Astral Travellers can be from our Solar System or from another Solar System. If they belong to other solar system they are much more advanced. They are much more capable.
3. Aliens: Aliens are the real physical characters/bodies of a particular space/time and dimension. There are many dimensions, many planets and solar systems, many universes, many galaxies etc. The life exists everywhere, in different forms. The life form can be based on carbon / methane / plasma / helium or something else which is out of imagination.

I like to share one deep meditation experience here about alien life. One day when I was in trance state I think of going to a planet.. I suddenly found myself on a planet. it was almost like mars. No trace of trees and environment was there. I further analyzed and tried to find some life form there. Suddenly I saw some life form there like humans but the life form was not based on carbon like us. It based based on Silica. Some energy source was there in their heart chakras. They were not visible through human eyes. I was able to see them via mental vision. They were move here and there on planet. I found that the universe is full of life. Everywhere is life .. its our limited knowledge and senses by which we deny their existence.

This experience changed my thoughts. I started to think that its possible. We are not finding the life because we have limited definition. Our perception is limited and blocked by our own knowledge.

Now consider some more points which also give us proof of alien life. Have u read ancient text or books. Have u read any holy book? They all have information about different types of humans, angels, gods etc. In Indian books like Mahabharata, Gita, Ramayana etc., there are many strange stories of alien beings. You can also read these books. According to Hindu Culture, these events has occurred in past. There are lot of strange stories in these books. You may think that  these are fiction only and its not possible. But think of a point what if its true and had happened before. Why a writer write false stories or imaginary story and say that this has happened. Give me name of a writer who has written a strange story and told us that its true. He cant do that. There are lot of persons who are going to verify. There are many physical proofs on earth which shows us that Ramayana and Maharabata were true happening. I have seen many places whose description has provided in these books. So once u find the proofs chances of their validity increases. Once the chances of validity increases we can think that alien like life form described in these old religious books were also exist at that point of time. There are cross references of these religious books. Even for Bible, Quaran and other holy books.  Only we need to do careful reading and let our mind open.

Now I give u a simple exercise. Just close your eyes. Now think that there is something around you, your house which cannot be seen by naked eyes. Do not make any mental image which is very important point of scanning. Just try to see what strange is there with mental vision and where and in which shape. Please write to me what u saw.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Our Universe and Its Design

The Design of Universe:

Our universe is a complex and huge self dependent virtual machine. Nothing in our universe is physical. Its a very complicated program and there are lot of sub programs which are looped and interconnected interdependent with each other. Its very hard to understand and if someone says that he knows that the exact design and exact working of universe is only his micoconception and misunderstanding.

Even with this complexity we will try to solve the puzzle.

First think of our surroundings..we are living in 3 dimensional world, there are 3 D physical objects around us, we can feel, see the things. We can move from one place to another, can see new countires, objects. Have you ever think that on earth there are lot of things which we dont know ? Yes ? OK. It leads us to think that that we know nothing or know very less. Now think of scientists who are developing and finding new discovery but after some time some one else adds some more improvements and founds new concept on the same thing on the same concept. Right ? Yeh.

You are working on something or doing some job from years and daily found new things .. am I correct? Is there any end ?

What will happen if we found new planets, new dimensions, new universes will our discovery end ? No. Now the question comes why every time new things comes why not it ends. Humans are best mind as per our knowledge but they dont have any clue for lot of happenings around us. They know some physical properties and laws but not completely.
If they rework on some topic they will found new discoveries. Why this is happening always. The answer is :

The universe is designed to fool us! The real knowledge is hidden.

We are like characters of Video Game. That character works when we start the game and stops when we order, and they never know who they really are and who is the real controller.

There is a subprogram is running in universe which starts when some one try to find out what is what.

Now I want to summarize the complete design of universe. Generally people gets clue of some part of universe and think that they have understand it completely.

1. First of all its all virtual. Nothing in our universe is physical.
2. There are many programs and sub programs are written and running which acts as rules of universe. They activate when certain condition matches.
3. The universe is self dependent, reclyclable. It begins, maintained and ends for us or for its inhibitants.
4. The universe never ends and works like perpectual motion machine. It do not require external power to work.
5. Time force us to think that universe has begining and end. It also let us fool that galaxies are moving far away after big bang and they will collapse again.
6. The universe is devided into 7 dimensions. These dimensions are like Level. These are 1 to 7 dimension if we like to get the summary picture.
7. There are 7 Negative dimensions which are below us. Actually 7+2.
8. There are 2 Large virtual Programs one for Good [In which we are living] and other for Bad [In which lower or evil resides].
9. These 2 universes are also called as matter and antimatter. There is also one more thing added to these two "The controller".
10. We go to antiuniverse by black holes. We have warm holes to move into upper dimensions.
11. The space between planets and stars are virtual. All stars are very near, only time and gravity fools us that are far away.
12. The seven dimension concept is very complex. Earth, each planet and every object having 7 dimensional body. We generally deal with 1-7 Dimensional objects. But to make fun in the game "The controller" has added negative 0-6 dimensions. Some people are infected with negetive vibrations [or dimensions]. The people living in Good Universe or positive universe often infected by negative dimensions or evil instructions.
We get instruction from 7 to 3 dimensions. 3rd dimension is ours so its our own mind. But we receive higher dimensional thoughts and instructions every time. So that the objective of program is matched and we continue to work as per our dimension and upper dimensional program.

The negative dimensional entities are acting as intruders. They try to break the objective of our dimension and upper dimensional activities.
Some positive dimensional higher entities are also acting as intruder for negative dimensions.

15. They are also working to change the objective of negative dimension entities.

In contrast this game is multi dimensional positive and negative entities game. There is continuous war going on between positive and negative. The controller is the one who maintains the euilibrium between positive and negative universe.

The positive universe try to demolish the black universe and black universe tries to demolish the white universe. The event big bang and big collapse happens due to this activity and its true for 1 point of time.

Friday, April 23, 2010

2012: The Truth

The year 2012 has many concepts. There are a lot written by many on this topic and most of the people making money by giving their own theory on this topic.

I also have mine :) but its something which I got from my mind's prediction and thought process. This theory came from my meditation sessions. I have read several books and topics on net about 2012 event. Like me most of us has one question: what is going to happen in the year 2012. Even if we agree with the concept provided by the writer, after some time we started to think again and feel that it OK but something is wrong with this theory and every theory or sometimes we feel that everything is correct.

This is what I think and most probably others are also and almost every person who is thinking deeply and interested in knowing what the future is. So whats the conclusion? Who is right? What is going to happen in year 2012 ? This question is again raising in any body's mind, because until we see the real event we cant be sure. It means that the theory provided by every one is incorrect ? My answer is no.
People are writing the same thing in different words and some theories have no meaning at all.
Any way instead of thinking of others lets explore what I think and this is same as what you think. Why because me is you and you is everybody mens I am every body which means every soul is one. I mean we are one. More about this oneness later but first see my perception on 2012.

If you have read the concept of Maya then you know that 26000 years cycle is going to end and so the calendar. If 26 K year cycle which is basically the approximate time in years for revolution time of our solar system around center of Galaxy. This cycle is also depicted in Vedas somewhere. This gives me thought that if the cycle is going to complete then what will happen? The true answer is the calendar will start from 1 lol. If a calendar ends at particular year then it doesn't mean that the earth is going to destroy. Then the question arises why not this can happen because several things coming together then why not this catastrophe or ruin of earth will happen? The planet Nibru is also coming in year 2012.
This may also damage the earth. There can be volcano eruption or a asteroid will hit the earth. Do you think like that ? Do you think that something is going to happen ? Why I am asking this question ?

Basically my theory is completely based on thought process of Humans. Its also related to Human Aura and Earth's Aura. Earth's Aura ? Yeah .. This may be new things for most of you. As per my thinking the earth is living being and not only earth the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and all planets. All … I mean all and this makes complete difference. The things we see are all live .. the table, chair, rocks everything. The planet like earth having the complete chakra system like we humans have. I can feel that ….and most of you can also when you feel and meditate about earth.

If everything has life and everyone is connected then everyone have certain impact and role. This role is affecting the environment.

Lets talk about humans. We all know that humans having free will. They have their own choice. They can do what they want either good or bad. In other words good and evil.
Now connect this good and evil to the planet earth. If all are connected and affecting each other then the result of every doing, every action in mass will be the resultant of everyone's work.

Now I want to tell you about possibilities. Because every action in present will have some result in future. The future will depend upon the choices and action we perform today. I will put some details about possibilities, resultants and possibility domains in another section but here, in the 2012 concept the future will depend on what we are doing today as mass.

The aura or in other words the environment system of earth greatly affected by our actions. If humans wont stop carbon emission and pollution then anyone can imagine what will happen. The Aura System or environment of earth will greatly imbalanced. That imbalance is like imbalance of human body. Yes because we are considering all the things same, made by same material, working with each other, aligned with each other so what we do as mass [More no of humans] will be our future.

The amazing thing here is all possiblilities are open. Anything can happen. God has given all the choices. We have to decide what path we want. If we ruin the system, the system will be damaged and will damage us. Thats it. Its simple.

So in conclusion if we take right steps from today the future or 2012 will not kill us all. All depends on actions we perform. If we make this earth a better place then the Aura of Earth and Solar System will support the life on this planet and solar system. Some people are working towards making earth a better place. More and more people should join them.

It requires two types of work: Spiritually and physically. Lets Go...and work hard, make the earth Green, save water, emit less carbon, stop the harmful pollutions. We should find out the alternative energy sources. All people are talking about environment and global warming but in reality no body is working in proper manner. We all need to do some hardwork and start to make the earth green from Today. If we dont understand this fact the time machine is clicking. It may convert into time bomb any time in near future ...2012 or beyond. Its not a fix date it can be any time in near future.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010