The Design of Universe:
Our universe is a complex and huge self dependent virtual machine. Nothing in our universe is physical. Its a very complicated program and there are lot of sub programs which are looped and interconnected interdependent with each other. Its very hard to understand and if someone says that he knows that the exact design and exact working of universe is only his micoconception and misunderstanding.
Even with this complexity we will try to solve the puzzle.
First think of our surroundings..we are living in 3 dimensional world, there are 3 D physical objects around us, we can feel, see the things. We can move from one place to another, can see new countires, objects. Have you ever think that on earth there are lot of things which we dont know ? Yes ? OK. It leads us to think that that we know nothing or know very less. Now think of scientists who are developing and finding new discovery but after some time some one else adds some more improvements and founds new concept on the same thing on the same concept. Right ? Yeh.
You are working on something or doing some job from years and daily found new things .. am I correct? Is there any end ?
What will happen if we found new planets, new dimensions, new universes will our discovery end ? No. Now the question comes why every time new things comes why not it ends. Humans are best mind as per our knowledge but they dont have any clue for lot of happenings around us. They know some physical properties and laws but not completely.
If they rework on some topic they will found new discoveries. Why this is happening always. The answer is :
The universe is designed to fool us! The real knowledge is hidden.
We are like characters of Video Game. That character works when we start the game and stops when we order, and they never know who they really are and who is the real controller.
There is a subprogram is running in universe which starts when some one try to find out what is what.
Now I want to summarize the complete design of universe. Generally people gets clue of some part of universe and think that they have understand it completely.
1. First of all its all virtual. Nothing in our universe is physical.
2. There are many programs and sub programs are written and running which acts as rules of universe. They activate when certain condition matches.
3. The universe is self dependent, reclyclable. It begins, maintained and ends for us or for its inhibitants.
4. The universe never ends and works like perpectual motion machine. It do not require external power to work.
5. Time force us to think that universe has begining and end. It also let us fool that galaxies are moving far away after big bang and they will collapse again.
6. The universe is devided into 7 dimensions. These dimensions are like Level. These are 1 to 7 dimension if we like to get the summary picture.
7. There are 7 Negative dimensions which are below us. Actually 7+2.
8. There are 2 Large virtual Programs one for Good [In which we are living] and other for Bad [In which lower or evil resides].
9. These 2 universes are also called as matter and antimatter. There is also one more thing added to these two "The controller".
10. We go to antiuniverse by black holes. We have warm holes to move into upper dimensions.
11. The space between planets and stars are virtual. All stars are very near, only time and gravity fools us that are far away.
12. The seven dimension concept is very complex. Earth, each planet and every object having 7 dimensional body. We generally deal with 1-7 Dimensional objects. But to make fun in the game "The controller" has added negative 0-6 dimensions. Some people are infected with negetive vibrations [or dimensions]. The people living in Good Universe or positive universe often infected by negative dimensions or evil instructions.
We get instruction from 7 to 3 dimensions. 3rd dimension is ours so its our own mind. But we receive higher dimensional thoughts and instructions every time. So that the objective of program is matched and we continue to work as per our dimension and upper dimensional program.
The negative dimensional entities are acting as intruders. They try to break the objective of our dimension and upper dimensional activities.
Some positive dimensional higher entities are also acting as intruder for negative dimensions.
15. They are also working to change the objective of negative dimension entities.
In contrast this game is multi dimensional positive and negative entities game. There is continuous war going on between positive and negative. The controller is the one who maintains the euilibrium between positive and negative universe.
The positive universe try to demolish the black universe and black universe tries to demolish the white universe. The event big bang and big collapse happens due to this activity and its true for 1 point of time.